This little basement is coming together and I love that we all actually WANT to hang out down here now lol. It was such a hot mess before. The layout is great actually – it’s a nice sized room that I was able to divide into three different sections; play room, living room, and office. I shared the design board I created and the finished look I was going for on this post here. I’m about halfway done currently, there’s quite a few things I still need to complete but all in due time. I’m really happy with how it’s coming together though! I’m a single mom and chipping away at my new/old home has brought me so much joy and accomplishment, being able to do it on my own.
Here is what the space looked like before painting:
I mean between the lighting, pile of wayward decor in the corner and the god-awful paint colour I just gave up down here haha. The kid’s had full reign and were able to bomb around, build forts, play games, soccer – you name it. It’s a fun space but I’m really happy it’s comfortable and things have a home now. The kids find it easier to play down here too now.
The colour I selected is from Ooh Paints. They have a whole bunch of beautiful paint colours to choose from, I mean literally so many!
I had a hard time choosing between Double Double and Runway (the middle swatch below). In the end I went with Double Double, it felt cozy and warm enough without being too dark. It was HARD though, I went back and forth for ages before ordering.
Currently there’s a great site-wide sale on now too btw! Everything is 15% off with the code Thanks15 here.
Honestly, this has been one of my favourite paints to use so far, it’s so silky!
I found the coverage to be amazing, it really was so creamy and smooth. I don’t know if I’ve ever had a paint glide on so well if I’m being honest. My mom and I tackled 3 of the 4 walls in the basement and it took us no time at all using this paint. I really can’t say enough good things about it.
When I placed my paint order I also added a paint kit – it came with a drop sheet, all the rollers and brushes needed, a paint roller tray and insert, gloves – literally everything. It’s so handy and I recommend grabbing one of those as well if you’re placing an order. It’s so convenient.
Here is the before again, so you can get the full effect and see how much cozier it is!
And the after!
If you’re wanting to refresh a room in your home,
paint is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to do this. For less than $100 you can completely transform a space (especially if you go bold with a paint colour!) Another easy and very budget-friendly tip for making over a room is to shop your home for decor and swap everything around. Rearranging furniture can completely revitalize a room. It’s one of my favourite things to do when I’m feeling bored and listless lol. Plus I work in a full deep clean while moving everything around so it’s a win-win.
I have allll my home updates shared to my ‘new home’ highlight on Instagram as well if you’re wanting to check out some of the process from start to finish.
What do you think so far! I have a few other pieces to finish up but I think it’s all coming together nicely.
I still would like to:
- replace all the lighting down here
- add a woven shade to the window
- hang up wall sconces
- finish the tv wall (not shown), I have a large console I’m moving from the dining room to down here for under the tv
- hang up wallpaper on the tv wall
- organize my office area (the space to the right of the sofa that I didn’t show)
- add new handles to the cabinets in the play area
- finish up some wall art, hang some bunting and add some cute fun details to their playroom area
- finish up with some decor and art on the walls
Like I said, it all takes time though. I chip away at the random projects I have taken on in my home so everything gets done bit by bit. One day I’ll be able to share the FULL reveal and all the spaces down here. Thanks for stopping by! xx
More home updates!
1 Comment
I was struck by how you turned a ‘hot mess’ into a space where everyone actually wants to hang out. Your progress and design board made the transformation feel genuine and uplifting.
Thanks for the amazing post megan 🙂