The Ultimate List Of (Not So Scary) Halloween Movies To Watch

I don’t love scary movies tbh. I just don’t like being scared. I hate the suspense and I always feel like problems could be solved if someone just turned on the lights and maybe didn’t run towards the scary sounds! Anyways, this is a great movie list for someone who doesn’t love horror movies or anything *too* scary but still enjoys a little suspense and spook. I created a list of the top 25 kids Halloween movies here if you wanted something to watch with the kids!

The Ultimate Halloween Movie List:

1. Hocus Pocus
2. The Craft
3. The Addams Family
4. Ghostbusters
5. The Sixth Sense
6. Beetlejuice
7. ET
8. I Know What You Did Last Summer
9. American Psycho
10. Edward Scissorhands
11. White Noise
12. Practical Magic
13. Sleepy Hollow
14. The Shining
15. The Others
16. Sean of the Dead
17. Let Me In
18. Quiet Place
19. Signs
20. Shutter Island
21. Idle Hands
22. Corpse Bride
23. What We Do In The Shadows
24. Gone Girl
25. Gremlins

Now it’s time to pop some popcorn, put on a cozy sweater or some pj’s and snuggle up on the couch for a (somewhat) spooky movie night. Enjoy!

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