My Paint Colour For The Basement Living Room + Mood Board!

Hey friends! I haven’t shared too much of the downstairs in my new home aside from the first look on IG when I was viewing homes to purchase wayy back last year. My basement living room is a great space with so much potential! The kids and I loved it the minute we walked down here actually. The paint selection however, is dire. Would you believe me if I told you this pink-taupe is an upgrade from what the previous owners had?? Currently they painted it this colour.

It’s slightly atrocious BUT you can tell by the corners and ceiling in spots, that THIS is what the entire basement was previously. Can you even imagine? I feel like neon orange everywhere would actually slowly drive you insane right? Like what was the reason??

My goal for this space when I’m done is for it to be cozy, comfortable, organized and a spot for amazing movie nights with my kids.

My home is on the smaller side (okay it’s pretty teeny when you look at the actual square footage) BUT the floor plan really maximizes the space with storage and the layout of everything. It’s one of the main things I noticed and really loved about it especially when compared to some of the larger homes I viewed that felt much smaller.

I’ve been working away mostly on the upstairs space (I have so many before and afters saved to my ‘new home’ highlight), so I can’t wait to get my hands on my basement living room. I want to make it cozy and a little moodier, and really utilize all the space that I have.

I could definitely see the potential in this space when I first viewed it

Apologies for the blurry photos, this was a screen grab from a video I had taken. It’s a really long room and I don’t have a proper before photo of the entire space but you get the gist here.

The basement has a huge living room area that I’m essentially dividing into three sections. There will be a tv area, a playroom, and then an office area where I’ll be building a built-in style desk and my infrared sauna will be in that space as well. So I’m brainstorming for a way to make it blend in more. That will be the last space I work on in here though. I’m focusing on the tv and playroom first.

This is the mood board I created. I used Ooh Paints for the pretty, cozy brown paint.  They currently have a big sale on for 20% off (use the code move20). This is the paint colour I chose for the walls.

Currently it’s summer holidays so all my kid’s are at home with me – finding time to work on projects has been quite difficult lol. They are mom, mom, mom, momming me 24/7. I’m hoping to start painting the basement this week though, I’ll update on my Instagram though so make sure to follow me over on that platform – @theblushhome.

xx Megan


More interior inspiration? Yes please!

Cozy Woodland Toddler Room

3 Tips For Styling Your Shelves

Front Door Makeover

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