How I Styled My Tiny Entryway

Don’t be fooled by how my entryway shows up on camera – it’s much smaller than it appears. The layout of my home gives a really bright and airy feel to my foyer, it was one of the things I really loved about this home actually. There are only a couple windows on the main level (which sounds wild actually) but it’s so BRIGHT in here you would never know! After I moved into this home, I immediately did a little refresher to my entryway. There were some gross lace curtains hung up and the door was really grimy with rusted screws. I knew I wanted to add some organization and brighten it up quickly. Then later last year, I finished up the final elements that really pulled everything together. I’m really happy with how it turned out!

Some of my favourites:

The flooring, paint, and hanging curtains around my door truly MADE this space. I’m a curtains-on-a-door advocate now! If you’re on the fence, just hang them and see! I bet you will love them. These pretty curtains are from The Hues (if you look closely, it’s a cute spring-y pattern with birds. I love it! One of my favourite things about having curtains in here, is it softens everything and provides a little cozy factor with all the grey tones. In the winter, I’ll half close them to reduce heat loss (older home doors and windows are a pain with this). I really like how easy is it to change them out, I get bored with decor fast (adhd things…) and I like to rearrange my home constantly. These drapes fit the windows in my dining room and all the bedrooms too, so it’s easy to mix and match!

I have a code if you want to do some shopping and save some money – use Megan15 at checkout.

I love how rugs can make a space!

The rugs are layered with different textures, the the bottom is a washable rug in a 4×6 size (this one) – it’s also only $66. If you use my discount you can save even more! It’s layered with one of my favourite jute scalloped rugs. I think together, they add a little coziness in here, and I love that I can toss the bottom rug in the wash if I need too.

My entryway trim and doors are PAINT COLOUR, and I simply swapped out the closet knobs for these cute bunny ones.

Where I put all the kid’s gear and school things…

For me, a bench is a must. I have too many small children to be standing and putting boots on. Plus it’s a spot to toss school bags to empty and all of that. I store those things in the closet, where I reworked it and added a closet organizer and drawers for all our mitts, toques and jackets. The kid’s school bags go in my garage, along with all of our shoes.

Like I said, a few key changes (all really affordable too) made a world of difference in here. The flooring really makes this entire room completely different. I adore how it turned out and it was so easy to do too!

xx Megan


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