Easy Summer Bucket List For Kids!

Every summer I will make a bucket list for the kids and I, filled with easy (mostly) local things to do together. It’s a fun way to get them excited and break up the slightly monotonous day to day of having all three kids at home together. I thought I would share what we put together for easy inspiration. Keep in mind, these are very affordable, easy to do things so I can sort of grab and go with the kids. You could add in a lot more extravagant things if your time and budget allowed for it.

A tip for finding fun activities around your town,

is to check out your city’s fb page. There will be all the local events offered throughout the summer and you can pick and choose what works best for your family. I always find a lot of cute activities and things happening around the city this way that I normally wouldn’t know about.

I keep it on our fridge (streaky finish and all here lol). On our bucket list this summer (with some extra space to add in a few more things), we have:

  • Outdoor pool day
  • Whitecourt river day
  • Summer BBQ party
  • Berry picking
  • Dino museum walk
  • Fishing at the fish pond
  • Beach days
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • River day
  • Waterslides with Auntie Marcy
  • Sleepover at cabin with quadding
  • Picnic at the park

We tend to do these things throughout the summer, and most are things we like to do every summer anyways, but it’s fun to put it on this list so the kids can see it visually and check things off.

I find a little list like this helps keep me on track too and makes sure we get out of the house with a plan. Being a single mom to three little kids, the days can fly by without us having actually accomplished anything. It’s busy and slightly chaotic most days so I like this visual cue.

Some additional things I plan on doing with them (I’ll have the kids add them to the bottom of this list) are:

  • Hotdog roast at the park
  • Flower scavenger hunt
  • Outdoor drive-in movie
  • Our local folk fest concert in the park
  • Try out a new restaurant in town

I made the template in Canva, there’s a million options if you are feeling fancy to any degree but I kept it simple. Let me know if there are any must-add things I should include below in the comments!

xx Megan

PS there’s a great sale on this spa – birthday bash sale! Discount up to 50% off at Beuno Spa. This would be an amazing summer addition!


Want more kid friendly inspiration?

Visit Metis Crossing: Family Friendly Fun in Alberta

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