adorable valentine’s day craft for toddlers + kids

I adore easy crafts for kids; easy to set up, simple to do, and quick to clean up.  That’s my jam and this little art craft might be the bee’s knees and my new favourite thing ever.

adorable valentine's day craft for toddlers + kids | A Dash of Mum

All you need is a white crayon, watercolours, paper and a paintbrush.

I prepped some thicker paper by cutting it down to the size that I wanted, and then drawing on the paper with white crayon.  I did a Valentine’s Day theme, so lots of hearts and little things like that (we also made a birthday card for my mom that turned out so cute!).

adorable valentine's day craft for toddlers + kids | A Dash of Mum

I used a little washi tape on the corners of the paper and set up some watercolours in a container (less is more here with toddlers) and let M go to town.

adorable valentine's day craft for toddlers + kids | A Dash of Mum

It turned out beautifully, almost like a marbled, watercolour effect.

adorable valentine's day craft for toddlers + kids | A Dash of Mum

adorable valentine's day craft for toddlers + kids | A Dash of Mum^ my new favourite way to diy birthday cards!

ps – an easy diy art smock for toddlers: take a grocery bag, make a hole in the bottom and two on the sides, and pop on to your kiddo upside down ♥

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